China-Appointed Attesting Officer providing China Attesting Services. Hotline: 9109-9999
With the advent of China's open door and trade liberalization policies, there have been an tremendous increase of trade and civil exchanges between enterprises and people in the Mainland China and those in Hong Kong. In the circumstances, there have been acts, matters and documents emenating from Hong Kong requiring trusted proofs in Mainland China. Notary Public in Hong Kong may notarise documents, matters and acts for use overseas, except in Mainland China. Documents, matters and acts of Hong Kong needed to be used in Mainland China require attestation, certification or witnessing by a China-appointed attesting officer. It is usually called "attesting" services instead of "notarial" services.
We have two partners who are Hong Kong notaries (Thomas Tse and Charles Tse). We also have lawyer Raymond Tang Tai-ming who is a China-appointed attesting officer appointed by the Chinese Ministry of Justice. He is therefore authorised to attest or certify acts, matters and documents with a legal meaning in Hong Kong for use in Mainland China.
Our China-Appointed Attesting Officer is capable of preparing and attesting of, as the major examples:-
- Declaration for an intended marriage (bachelor or spinster certificate)
- Declaration in support of an application of relatives for family reunion in Hong Kong
- Declaration for the succeeding or quiting inheritance of an estate
- Declaration for the adoption of children
- Power of Attorney or Authorisation (in personal or corporate capacity) for civil or commercial purposes.
- Appointing lawyers or legal representatives to conduct legal or other lawful proceedings
- Appointing an agent or attorney for sale or purchase of properties
- Certifying corporate particulars or personalities of Hong Kong companies
- incorporation status
- business registration particulars
- directors’ and/or shareholders’ resolutions
- CEPA Certification: application for CEPA service provider certificate (under Annex 5).